RACE LOG for Sailboat Racing, Release 2.7 (Shareware Version) Copyright c 1997 by ELB Software This file contains basic information about installing Race Log and last minute information which may update the documentation. For complete instructions on using Race Log refer to one of the three documentation files listed below. Contents of diskette Installed to Directory readme.txt information \rlog log.exe race log program \rlog rlog.bat batch file to execute score program \rlog rlog.ico icon for launching from Windows \rlog sys.ini file to hold system option settings \rlog scropt.ini file to hold scoring option settings \rlog scr.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr0.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr1.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr2.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr3.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr4.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr1t.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr3t.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr4t.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr1a.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr2a.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr3a.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr4a.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr1ta.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr3ta.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scr4ta.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scrcust.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog scrcustt.ini file to hold screen format settings \rlog rsult1a.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog rsult2a.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog rsult3a.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog rsult4a.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog rsult1ta.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog rsult2ta.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog rsult3ta.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog rsult4ta.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog rsltcust.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog rsltcstt.ini file to hold report parameters \rlog sample1 sample fleet file - actual standings \rlog\data sample2 sample fleet file - demonstrates error checking \rlog\data sample3 sample fleet file - demonstrates tie breaking \rlog\data sample4 sample fleet file - demonstrates team scoring \rlog\data rlogword.doc documentation in MS WORD for Windows 2.0 format \rlog rlogwp51.doc documentation in WordPerfect 5.1 format \rlog rloghelp.hlp internal file for help system \rlog raceform.wri form for race results - MS WordPad format \rlog raceform.doc form for race results - MS Word 2.0 format \rlog raceform.txt form for race results - MS NotePad format \rlog descript.txt Race Log feature description \rlog order.txt Race Log order form \rlog register.txt Race Log registration form \rlog install.exe install program not copied ENHANCEMENTS IN RELEASE 2.6 -- 11/24/96 1) Addition of "Clear Finishes..." option in the FILE menu. This allows you to clear out the Finishes in a fleet file and still keep the Sailor data. Useful for starting a new season with last years fleet file without re-entering all the sailors. 2) You can now Over-ride the Throwouts Percent with an actual number of Throwouts. The number of races to Throw can be entered when you select "Score". This number over-rides the Throwout Percent specified in the Scoring Options Setting screen for this "Scoring". 3) The actual number of Races Scored after Throwouts is listed when you print the results. It's listed in the heading information where all the Scoring Options are printed. 4) The Report output width has been improved for printing to a File. The maximum is now 157. (The minimum is still 60). A maximum of 157 allows for the widest printing results when using Windows 95 WordPad and setting the print orientation to "Landscape" with a font size of 8. ('Word Pad' allows for Fixed size fonts which keeps everything lined up. Most Word Processors use proportional fonts which causes alignment be off a little when printing the Race Log results unless you manually edit the output.) 5) Bug fix for scoring files with sailors who have no Finishes entered for them. Bug fix for erroneously printing a column heading of "TEAM" instead of "CLASS". ENHANCEMENTS IN RELEASE 2.7 -- 5/17/97 1) Create Standings report in HTML format for publishing on a Web site. 2) Added "Bonus Point" scoring method - actually the same as previously supported "Olympic" method. 3) Upgraded support of DNC, DNS, DNF, OSC, RET, DSQ, and DND to the precise definition specified in the new 1997 Rules. Formerly Race Log treated a DNS as a Did Not Compete, and DNS was the default Finish if nothing is entered for a race. Now a DNS means the racer showed up at the starting area, but Did Not Start. A DNC is now the default entry for a racer who did not show up, and will automatically be filled in by Race Log for non-competing yachts in a series. 4) Extended the ability to specify whether the above penalty is to be added to the number of Entrants, Starters, or Finishers. 5) Expanded the "Class" and "Team" column to 3 characters. 6) Added column for "State", "Member Status". 7) Added ability to fully customize screen layout and report layout by selecting which columns to display, in addition to the preset screen layouts already provided. 8) Added ability to report the "Total Points", in addition to the "Score". Total Points is the score before subtracting Throwouts. 9) Added Conversion program to convert old Race Log fleet files to new format. This will occur automatically when you open an old file. The old file will automatically be updated, and will not be readable by your old Race Log release (Release 2.6 or older). 10) Added Race Results forms to installation files. Use for filling in results on committee boat. RACEFORM is provided in .TXT format for MS NotePad, .WRI format for MS Windows 95 WordPad, and .DOC for MS Word 2.0 format. Corrections and additions to the Release 2.7 release - 5/26/97 11) Corrected scoring problem - DNF was not calculated properly when penalty is added to number of Starters. Fixed. 12) Corrected scoring problem - DND was improperly being "thrown out" when calculating Throwouts. Fixed. 13) Customize Report Format - added option to select Columnar "R_1 R_2 R_3 ...." format, or Short "2-5-1-df-3-dc-dc-..." format when building Report Format. 14) Added handy Forms to install disk (installed to your \rlog directory) for entering Race Results. "raceform.wri" - MS Windows 95 WordPad format "raceform.doc" - MS Word 2.0 for Windows format "raceform.txt" - MS Windows 3.1 NotePad format INSTALLATION Diskette 1- insert diskette into drive a: (or b:) 2- type a: (or b:) and press Enter 3- type install and press Enter The installation program assumes that you want to install on drive c:, and it creates the directory \RLOG (or a name you select) for the program and systems files, and subdirectory \DATA for your data files. You may change these settings when asked during the install process. Downloaded 1- unzip download file in an extra directory 2- run the "install" program The installation program assumes that you want to install on drive c:, and it creates the directory \RLOG (or a name you select - different from the download directory) for the program and system files, and subdirectory \DATA for your data files. You may change these settings when asked during the install process. NOTES ON COMPUTER SIZE This release, Release 2.7 of Race Log, will operate on 286 or higher computers. You must have a Hard Drive and 2 meg of RAM. If you have an older 8086 such as an IBM PC/XT you will need Race Log Release 2.0. All future enhancements will be geared to the more up to date computers - 286 and higher (this is not to imply that 286's are up to date any more) since they have more memory and speed than the old clunkers. If you are not sure what you have, the MEM command entered at the DOS prompt will help you. This command will tell how much memory (RAM) you have and also will tell whether you have any Extended memory. If you have Extended memory, then bets are that you have a 286 or better (368, 486, Pentium, etc.). WINDOWS USERS Race works best when launched from Windows, especially Windows 95. Windows 3.1 users create a new Program Item pointing to log.exe, point to the \RLOG directory as the working directory, and select the icon provided in the \RLOG directory. Windows 95 users create a Shortcut for the log.exe program, then select Properties | Program and change the working directory to the \RLOG directory, select the icon provided in the \RLOG directory, and select "Close on exit". PRINTERS The Race Log system has been tested with Dot-Matrix printers such as the Panasonic KX-P1123, and Desk Jet printers such as Hewlett Packard Desk Jet printers. The system has NOT been tested with Post Script type printers. The new HP DeskJet 820 for Windows will not allow printing from any DOS application including Race Log. Race Log allows for printing to a file and then using Windows tools (Editors, NotePad, WordPad, Word Process- ors, etc.) to do the actual printing. See ENHANCEMENTS IN RELEASE 2.6 point 4) above for additional discussion. MOUSE PROBLEMS If you have a Mouse but it is not working properly, make sure you have specified your Mouse driver in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Many people use a Mouse in Windows 3.1 but have not used it in a DOS application such as Race Log. The following AUTOEXEC.BAT file works for DOS 5.0 on a computer where Windows is installed: C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE @ECHO OFF PROMPT $p$g PATH C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS;C\WP51;C:\RLOG SET MOUSE=C:\MOUSE LOADHIGH C:\WINDOWS\MOUSE.COM /Y LOADHIGH C:\DOS\DOSKEY Note that the LOADHIGH command loads Mouse from the WINDOWS directory instead of the MOUSE directory. This will ensure that the Mouse works when running Race Log in DOS, and also when launching Race Log from Windows 3.1. Race Log works in Windows 95 with no modification to System Files. OPERATING SYSTEM Runs on DOS 3.3 or higher (DOS 5.0 or higher is recommeded for Race Log Release 2.7), must have hard drive (takes approximately 1 meg on hard drive), need 2 meg or more of memory (RAM), IBM compatible computer (286 or higher for Race Log Release 2.7). OPERATION Mode 1: Change to the c: drive and the Race Log directory by entering: "c:" "cd\rlog" (or the directory you selected at install time) and then type "rlog" to run the system. Mode 2: Add your \RLOG directory to the PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS;C:\MOUSE;C:\RLOG Then type "rlog" from anywhere to start the Race Log system. ( don't actually type the quotes in the above examples) __________________________________________ The Shareware version of Race Log may be freely distributed for evaluation purposes. Actual usage of the Race Log requires the user to register and purchase Race Log. ELB Software grants the purchaser the right to use one (1) copy of the Race Log software ("Software") on a single computer, and to make additional copies of the Software for backup purposes only. The Software is owned by ELB Software and is protected by United States copyright laws and other applicable copyright laws. ELB Software warrants that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying documentation. ELB Software disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no Event will ELB Software be liable for any consequential or incidental damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software. In no case shall ELB Software’s liability exceed the purchase price paid by the purchaser for the Software. ______________________________________________ DOCUMENTATION Print one of the ".doc" files with the appropriate Word Processor for a complete and formatted copy of the Race Log documentation. If you don't have a Word Processor you can print the ".txt" file and the readme file as follows. At the DOS prompt, type the following command: TYPE A:README > LPT1 and TYPE A:RLOG.TXT > LPT1 ELB Software PO Box 463 Lake Bluff, IL 60044 74670.1435@compuserve.com web page http:\\ourworld.compuserve.com\homepages\elb Your feedback is welcome!!